Don't Dissapoint
OOC: | WC :: +400

Fayne had gotten caught up in watching the leaves as the fell down on her. Some catching in her full coat, which displeased her. She shook them free immediately, growling at them as the fell to the floor. Snapping at the ones that dared come near to her face. The young wolf was usually such a happy go lucky personality. But, trying over and over again to improve her hunting skills and failing had been putting her down lately. The snapping of some twigs caught her attention, her head jolted in the direction the sound had come from.

Her eyes landed on a black figure a few yards away, walking in her direction with limp. She instantly stood up and assumed her normally dominant posture. Her head held high, ears forward, and tail raised behind her. Her hackles were raised as well not sure if this stranger was a threat or not. At first, she swore she saw a human walking towards her. That was enough to make any wolf's hackles raise. But, it was just a Luperci clothed in human garments. Many Luperci wore clothes these days, Fayne found it distasteful and unnatural. There was no need of such garments when you were covered in fur. The sight of the clothed man only made her mood even more sour. Unlucky for him.

With here ears pulled back in discontent she stood and watched him approach her. She sniffed the air taking in his scent, she smelled like he was wounded. That would explain the limp in his walk. The stranger stopped a few yards away, resistant to near her. She raised a brow at him waiting for him to speak. What he said next only furthered her deplorable mood. A snarl rippled her lips, she wasn't like the stranger at all and didn't appreciate his mocking comment. She strode over to where he was standing and looked up at him, keeping the most dominant post she had in her. "Oh really? I had no clue that's how you caught prey. Next time I'll be sure to keep that helpful tidbit in mind." She snapped back at him. Her eyes wandered over his body, noting all the scars that covered it as well as the recent injuries. He wasn't in the best of health at this moment. "You should really watch your tongue. You're not in the best condition to be picking fights." Her brow was raised snidely, not in the least amused by his comments. It wasn't often that she argued with random strangers, but he was kind of being a jerk.

"Even if you stumble, you're still moving forward."
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