Come on in boy, the water's fine.

ooc text.

He gave a listen to the male's words. He'd never been a true fan of fish anyways. He wouldn't burden his new friend with the task of playing mentor for the dog. "It's fine... I won't bug you with it." Before his friend could insist on anything else, he changed the subject as smoothly as possible. "So how's the pack life? You seem to infer you weren't born into a pack so I'm just curious to know... If Insomnia hadn't gotten you to come join would you stay? Or is the life of a loner still preferred?"

A thought entered his mind. His mom had always wanted him to join a pack. Something he hadn't remembered since his memories had been replaced with years of abuse. She'd wanted him to make it whether she did or not. It'd become her mission in life after all those years. Mya had been taught the same detail her mother so very much believed: Pack life was always easier. Toby's mind buzzed in thought. Did this mean he should feel guilty for not meeting his mother's standards? Or did he need a pack? Fang's thoughts and his buzzed through his brain. What did this mean?

I will not fall, I will not fade.
I will take your breath away!
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Toby Table by Raze.

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