Life’s too short to even care at all


The silver male did not find it hard to pinpoint the ivory females sent. Not only did he dream about the lady’s sent, they had meet up once not that long ago for a wonderful trade during the winter months. It was very easy for the silver male to say it was one of the single best trades he had made while he was there.

The male gave a grumpy hrump looking at the young leader, was she that blind to the fact that when one major scents took a back seat the other’s took a more active role and goes into a somewhat hyper mode. For the silver Sawtooth Subord, his scent and feeling was his hyper senses to make up for the loss of vision and partial hearing lost that happened during the beatings, during his time in Unwritten. The silver male was thankful that though it all he was alive. ”She’s a one of a kind lady. Not hard to pick it out.” The male did speak true to that nature. The male could also pick up the trace amounts of smells along the ashen queen’s pelt that was given to her upon her birth by her mother.

Shaking his head no, he was not a garden nor did he have any plans to be one (unless a set of pretty little eyes asked him to be one, and then for that sake he would try at least) ”Never had a reason to.” The silver male again finding him-self talking truthfully about matters.

The male took another step or two back away from the youthful queen, as he sat down upon his haunches. Shifting around on his feet, so that he was sitting more so upon his side and hip and not so much upon his bottom any more. The queen was one of the few beings that took up a place in these lands that he found a close connection with. In an odd way he was able to watch her turn into the lady that she was now. Soran and she where the only two members in this whole pack that he was willing to allow him-self to be kind to any more. The rest of the member he could care less about them. Sad…

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