Still wouln't hear me

Sorry for Selene like this...She usually falls hard for some

It was hard to dwell on anything anymore, thanks to Fritz being there. After he had confessed to loving her, maybe it had become like a magic cure or whatever...The small coydog had returned to semi-normal. In everything she could possibly do, it was easy to love Fritz back. Why shouldn't she? He was attractive...And so very much gentle and kind to her. He even loved her. Which seemed so sudden...But so sincere. Sel had made it a thing to fix up the house, tidying her things and moving things around. She had managed to get the couch in the same room as the king-sized bed, the comfort room of course! The bed had been fluffed up and pillows re-stuffed with the softest feathers and covered in the smoothest, softest rabbit furs she could find. Fritz deserved a nice place to go, didn't he? Humming softly, Sel went back to the kitchen. The fireplace wasn't going, so tea couldn't be made...A shame. As the young hybrid tried to fix and coax the coals back to life, there was a knock on the door. The only other visitor had been Thanatos. Had he come back again?

Yet her face fell as she came across Ismeme's taller frame, by at least two feet. There seemed to be something on the grey woman's mind. But why bring it here? A growl on her lips, Selene asked as she realized that Ismeme was in heat Why are you here? Coldly, the dark coydog pulled the door closer to her frame, closing the essences of home off to the disliked. Snorting, Selene tauntingly asked Shouldn't you be back in Hadley's bed? Seems he would want you there since you...Smell. She didn't know how else to explain the cycle, she herself hadn't started on the nightmarish track of fertility. Even now the young woman couldn't believe why her enemy would show up as so.

Selene wanted nothing to do with the grey woman at her doorstep, finding herself occupying a disinterested and bored expression as her hands clenched into fists at her side. Where was Fritz? Why couldn't Isa just leave and let Selene get on with her life without remembering the likes of her ex-lover and his new toy? She had Fritz now. The other life with Hadley was over and done, so why couldn't that chapter with Ismeme just be closed off and be done with? Never to be revisited? Just go away... Selene said tiredly, If you got something to say, say it quick. How dare Ismeme come to her? Right when she was forgetting! Crimson eyes were unhappy, not crying but disappointed. How could anyone do this? You should go back to Hadley...I don't really want to see both of you for a very...Very...Very long time. Don't you think you've done enough? You've won! Now go and be happy! Dwell on the achievement that you've actually ruined someone's life! Go pop a top off a champagne, just not anywhere near my life. The words were a growl, body tense and ready. And while you're at it...Ah Nevermind. Just get out of my life. She didn't love Hadley anymore, yet him and his new toy were to blame. For having her destroy the once graceful tones of her arms with the cut of a blade, for being raped and hurt. Hadley was never there to protect her. Please. Just get out of here...It would do me much more good. This time, her statement was a sad whisper, begging the woman to just leave. The heat scent was almost enough to have the young woman vomit, she longed to be back in Fritz's protection. Away from the things that would hurt her most. She hated to be so rude, yet there didn't seem to be another way.


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