A New Dawn

OOC here!

It had all come down to this, these actions would either make or break the love that Shadow had for Insomnia, Either he would die or she would some how be saved and come back to him and remember who he was. Shadow was fighting a demon, a demon who was still in the body of the one he loved. To harm the demon was to harm his love and to do anything would mean his making or breaking of his promise. That promise was remembered and it would never be forgotten.

Shadow saw all the movements, He watched all the muscles move, He saw the look in her eyes and the way she carried herself. he was a trained killer and he had seen many fight,death and battles and the look he saw in his loves eyes told him only one thing, that she was lost. He saw her take to the air and his training kicked into full drive. He thought and saw many ways to stop her in the blink of an eye. The calm before the storm that would hit him moved as slowly as a leaf floating to the ground. He saw ways to turn the attack around, counter, attack her instead, so many routs but yet only one came to mind.

He could not attack her. How would he live with himself if he was the reason for her pain. He saw her mouth open and a tongue wanting and welcoming the taste of his blood. The teeth were life razors welcoming the moment to cute into the flesh of another, the whole time he watched her even though seconds passed, it felt as though years were passing.

As shadow looked to her he saw the eyes of someone that was not his love, but a demon hidden within the body of an angel. He saw what her target was and rather than move to the side and avoid he tilted his head to the side and looked towards the ground. If she wanted his blood who was he to deny her that wish. As her fang got closer and closer he closed his eyes for a second and spoke calmly just before they would taste him. I love you.

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