Don't Dissapoint
OOC: It''s okay. :3 | WC :: +600

Anyone could tell the anger that was welling up in the usually shy and content wolf. Her eyes were narrowed in an angered gaze upon the man who was insulting her over and over again. With his words and his mocking expression. The silvery wolf's plush tail seemed to twitch with anticipation as she held it high behind her. Her threat didn't dent the black man, instead it caused him to chuckle. Which he really shouldn't be. He proceeded to show off some shiny black pieces of metal he was wearing on each forearm. Did he think that would scare her in the opposite direction? She had no need for human possessions and human weapons, she had her claws and teeth. That's all any wolf needed to defend themselves if they were skilled enough. A wide grin spread over her lips, followed by a brisk laugh when he swished his cape. She thought it incredibly silly how he was acting. Instead of baring his teeth, he was flashing the metal pieces. He was a wolf, but didn't seem to be acting like one. In a way, it was scaring her. How he was acting so much like a human, they were terrifying creatures. But, she hid the fear with her tall and dominant demeanor and a snide grin.

Fayne didn't believe word that was coming out of the man's mouth. He was injured, she could smell it. Her size meant nothing in a battle. What she lacked in strength she made up in speed, she was a lithe wolf and quick on her feet. She knew how to handle wolves in battle, even if she couldn't catch a deer. In her mind there was no comparison between fighting and hunting. Each required a different set of skills. She had plenty of experience in battle even if she didn't look it, with flawless and untouched features. Living on your own, taking care of siblings is a tough job that she performed it well. Having to fight of rogues and other creatures to keep her siblings out of harms way. Not to mention, she'd seen battles in her lifetime. Horrible, dreadful scenes of wolves mercilessly raping and killing there own family, hungry for power. Taking advantage of the changing world. She huffed at him loudly. Her dainty figure only gave her an edge, seeing as how the man was underestimating her greatly. Fayne took a few more steps towards him, the frightened she wolf hidden under a warrior's stance. Her own hackles raised higher, seeing him glaring at her, watching her every move closely.

"Sure. Keep speaking. As if you know the petty babble flowing from your lips is true. But, be warned. You should never underestimate your opponent."She tilted her head to the side and peered into his eyes, a wide smile on her face. "But surely you know such a simple guideline, being as skilled a warrior as you are." Fayne took one more step towards him, in the back of her mind scared of the humanoid figure standing before her. Wanting nothing more than to run in the opposite direction and avoid confrontation. Of course she wouldn't attack him, she wasn't a savage beast. She was a kind an gentle soul, simply having a bad day. Fayne planted her feet firmly in the soil, ready to turn and run if she needed to. Or, fight if she had to defend her life. She was prepared for either scenario, hoping that neither would happen. Her hot-headed self was shining through her shy demeanor today, how incredibly unlucky.

"Even if you stumble, you're still moving forward." <3
template by revo. <3 mods by nat


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