You and me could write a bad romance.

OOC here! That table was hard to read kinda. ;3 Switching to this one.

He'd just gotten ready to pounce, ready to snarl and scare the rabbits out their den, and most certainly just ready to kill each family member. That's when she was there. Her voice filling the air between them, one simple word that shouldn't cause him to want to howl with joy, and her scent picking up in the tiny breeze that flowed by. He turned, giving the woman a smirk. Now all he needed was to figure out how to go by talking to her. She wouldn't like a weak, desperate dog. She would want someone with purpose, and pride.

He began to put his sly grin in place since he considered the expression his and not Toby's. "Hello beautiful, miss me?" Fang straightened up, growing several inches as he faced her and waltzed across the distance to be closer to her. Even the smaller distance he had created made him ache. He wanted to touch her and drink her in, she was his knew drug and he wanted to abuse it to the point of over dose. He waited for her reply, anticipating some sort of reaction before he went on.

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Fang/Toby table by Bria.

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