
OOC here!

Word Count → 000

Io narrowed her eyes and shook her head. Why did children have to be so fucking augmentative. If Dymtr ever turn out like that, violence would be exceptional in that scenario. Her ears listened to his words with pin point precision picking up on his use of a similar tone that came from her mouth. Io turned to him and explained, an equal, un scolding tone, though she wished that she could treat him like the child he acted like. 'I do not know your name and you are a boy' her words flowed seamlessly, an accent the only hint English was not her first language. 'And therefore I regarded you as such correctly' Io pointed out, brushing her fringe from her silver eye line. 'And if you would have come over like I asked, I was going to offer you food'. It wasn't as if she had him down as an idiot who couldn't feed himself but it was a simple offer. After all she was hardly likely to eat a whole rabbit to herself.

She moved over to the fire, sitting down before taking up the rabbit and her pocket knife. As skilled as a cook she was, she was also skilled with a knife. Her hands moved easily around the rodent, removing the skin from it's body before gutting it and cutting of the useful strips. What went to waste was given to Andrej who's sandpaper like tongue would sand the meat scraps from the bones easily. 'So, do you want some or not?' she asked, gently.

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