Cat up a tree
Forward dated to 1st may

Restless, itchy, irritable gha! The young male snarled in complete frustration as the tingling underneath his skin refused to stop. The lights danced about excitedly and he snapped at them, enraged by their presence. He moved himself. Again. For the fourth time in the last half hour. It was driving him crazy and he had become short with his family, preferring to run off by himself so he could wallow in the relief of his emotionless states. Often he would deliberately go and hide somewhere near people just to sink into that state of merely existing, it was almost a blessing as the frustration washed over him again.

Resigned to the peculiarities of life and the ways of growing up the boy sought to end his annoyance within physical activity and set off at a quick lope, passing homes and shops until he exited the village called Thornberry and came out into Cercatori's forests. There was no rest here either but at least he wasn't surrounded by the oppressive black cloud that seemed to follow him inside its confines. Nose to the ground the boy sorted his way through the forest, following whatever scents struck his fancy, going from one direction to the next, seeking an activity t9o engage his mind and hopefully get rid of the restless feeling.

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