You and me could write a bad romance.

OOC here!

He gave a small chuckle. Weak? Amy? The one who'd tore him to pieces that night for sex? Of course not! "No. Of course not. You're the roughest woman I've been with." He'd let it go for now. But he would prove himself right again soon. She wasn't her normal self. And he could sense it. She hated Toby still though. Another reason to find her attractive.

The words on the name... He supported the thought. Toby was okay he supposed but... at the time Fang had been the most simple name he could choose. He wanted people to know his name. He wanted people to understand he was violent. Just by the name. Then when they were decieved into his hands and their purity was selfishly taken for himself he could laugh and tell them he warned them.

Amy's arms wrapped around his neck and pulled them together. He slowly, and very gently, moved his hands to rest on her waist. Touching her was amazing. It made things so much better on his side of the deal. The feel of her body against his, the way he could take in her scent some more. He knew she smelt of pack which made him wonder a few things but then he heard her speak and had to pay attention. As she finished he decided to use the topic as a conversational piece.

"So Amy Sunders is in a pack? Why do I find this so hard to believe unless it is her pack she belongs to?" Amy seemed to be one to do what she wanted, when she wanted. She was like him that way he believed. Or was she? The question tickled his mind as he waited for a response.

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Fang/Toby table by Bria.

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