You and me could write a bad romance.

Rambling post -_-'

A smile cross his mouth at her laugh. Since when were babes this cute while he wasn't having sex with them? His brain thought on it for a moment. Should he have tried this before? No... Amy's the only female I've actually been real attracted to... If he had tried it on another girl before he could count on a single hand who they'd be. And still they weren't as great as the Sunders girl before him. He listened to her reasoning and surprisingly found it at least worthy to listen to.

Packs. He still thought they were strange but this idea he'd just been pointed to, not having to deal with the weak people outside of packs, didn't sound half bad at all. Several times he'd ran into loners who tried picking fights. They'd always lost. Recently it'd been a nuisance instead of a threat. "I'm sure a pack with you in it wouldn't be half bad... Though I can't say Toby would stay if I did join one. He obsesses over me hurting anyone he talks to."

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Fang/Toby table by Bria.

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