Cat up a tree
pp micki hope you dont mind
810 8+

Excitement thrilled through him as he picked up the scent of his much loved sister, it leaped here and there through the underbrush in the way that Pandora usually moved, he had no knowledge that she had recently shifted and the distance between the scent spots were actually steps rather than her jumping from place to place. He quietly trailed them, slipping through the underbrush as though he had never been there at all. The forest seemed to respect his wishes to remain unseen and covered up his tracks with falling leaves. The boy was an enigma all of his own.

He started as her voice suddenly came from somewhere, he couldn't see where. The hawk eyed male looked about himself trying to spot his elusive sister. It should have been an easy job considering how she was colored. But for the life of him he couldn't find her. Then a scream tore his gaze upwards and he watched with horror as she slipped from the branch she perched from in a glorious long limbed form. He raced forwards towards the tree from which she dangled,

"PANDORA!" His claws scrabbled uselessly against the bark, the paws not arranged right for him to climb up. His tail straight out behind him as alarm washed over him. He could see her, high above him, slowly losing her grip. A fall from that height possibly might not kill her, but it almost certainly cause injury, great injury. His anger and frustration with his natural form that was of no help at all boiled over and he swore violently as he tried again in vain to pull himself upwards. Their mother would have reprimanded him with harsh words if she could hear the vile language he was coming out with.

Her pleading cries tore at him, she was in danger and he couldn't help her. The helplessness and desolation that filed him were all encompassing, for the first time in his life, he couldn't save her, he was powerless. "Pandy..." Rage flooded up, at himself, at the world and whatever had possessed her to climb the tree. A strange quiver rolled down his spine followed quickly by a wave of spasms. The lights and shadows darted around him agitatedly, the lights glowing so brightly that he had to shut his eyes because it hurt to look at them. His body felt like it was boiling, stretching and flexing in ways it shouldn't. Was this it? Had all the restless days and sleepless nights been leading up to this moment?

"I'm coming Pandy! Hold on." His words were distorted coming from a throat stuck between forms. He tried to will in on, force it to go where he wanted and felt an answering burn from his paws. It didn't hurt per se but it was very uncomfortable feeling his muscles move without his say so and the very fibers of himself rearranging. His panic fueled the shift, powering it onwards and forcing it to go faster than it would naturally on its own. Minutes passed by with aching slowness until the brightness of the lights decreased and he opened his eyes. His paws were resting further up the tree and his whole body was tilted differently. Long hair drifted down into his eyes, flowing down his shoulders. The point of view was weird and strange, and also made him slightly dizzy but he had no time to adjust himself to this new form. He flexed his hands, long sharp claws now erupted from the tips of the digits, wicked and dangerous looking. Fangs jutted out from his upper jaw and his lips, he could feel the teeth as they pushed aside his flesh.

The dream that had dominated his short life was now a reality, he was large and tall, much taller than his smaller four legged form. Paws that could grip, and arms that could pull. All the tools needed to help him conquer this. Again his claws dug into the bark but this time they hooked in tight, he pulled himself upwards and felt another dizzy wave pass, he didn't look down, knowing that to do so would be monumentally stupid. He pulled himself up to the first branch, some seven foot off the floor. He was directly underneath her now and could do a good job of catching her if she fell. He wobbled uncertainly as he stood upright upon the branch, grimacing as it swayed under his weight. Slowly he reached out and caught hold of her leg, moving it to his shoulder and giving her a platform to stand on.

"Push yourself up then sit down on the branch" He kept his voice calm and almost serene like, it wouldn't do for her to hear just how scared he truly was although once she was on level with him, she would smell it.

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