Don't you miss those you gave life to

very crappy, very short psot o.o

Word Count → 000

Io's secui form moved slowly, with not without purpose. Wojciech had followed this time, as he usually did of course. Be refrained from saying anything too. Again, as he usually did. The dark strands of his shaggy fringe hung down over his eyes, moved only by the wind. Seemingly, to anyone else this would prove irritating in the least. But the guide seemed unmoved by it and continued behind Io, as wordlessly as the coyote hybrid herself. It had been odd seeing her boys again, especially after so long. They'd grown into fine boys, even Dymtr who was sickly to start with. She hadn't know quite how to react when around them again, unsure as to how they'd react and how she'd react against them. There had been chills up her spine as she realised how long it had been since she'd had to take care of anyone before.

A scent hung around the clearing. And while she didn't realise the pack scent she realised who it belonged to. Casting her mind back to her Ichika days she remember the girl. Dalgina, who helped her with the rock garden. And how she had a brother, turning to the pup, who was rather large now. She smiled, 'You used to be in Ichika, right?' she questioned.

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