You and me could write a bad romance.

OOC here! That table was hard to read kinda. ;3 Switching to this one.

Perhaps it was the way she'd stated it. The way something had flashed into her eyes. The way she'd stated about dealing with the other personality. Whatever the way it was done Fang couldn't help but find her even more inticing. A pack. Something to live in whilst seeing Amy as often as he'd like to and running off to find other women when he got bored. It sounded all so fine and marvelous. It wasn't like he couldn't just drop out if he ended up losing his chances with the female anyways. He would do what he wanted, and no alpha could stop him from it.

"Perhaps I'll think on it," he said with a smirk, "But it may take me a bit of convincing." His intentions obvious as his black eyes gave a mischevious, almost amused, smile down at the light colored wolf. She said there were limits to being in a pack. He'd thought of this before. He knew it first hand as well. After being created within the german shepherd's mind Fang proceeded to get Toby higher up in the ranks of that terrible pack. Yet as high as he climbed there was always someone telling him what to do and how to act. He'd learned to hate it. Another reason he'd left. She traced her hand down his chest and called him her man. Her powerful man. His man-ego boosted and a cocky smile fell into place.

His hands moved at her waist, sliding just a bit so as to bring her closer to him and feeling her against him he said, "Like what? The fact that the hottest woman alive has more fighting skill than him even with the advantages of my body?"

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Fang/Toby table by Bria.

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