milk them chickens and pluck them cows.
Judging by dates, Talitha was already kidnapped by DDM by this thread... so I figured I'd casually mention it here. :x -Wasn't sure when they were supposed to figure it out???-

!@#$%A raven. An aerial eye would be even more useful, he imagined! A bird would be able to see everything and anything from the sky, and could almost surely go undetected while perched high in the branches of the canopy. The tip of his tail gave a couple half-hearted flicks and he nodded, smiling. Abraxas tipped his head strangely, but said nothing. Anselm stared that the fox, considering. "It'd be best if you didn't spend too much time here," he said, voice low. A bird may not pick up the scent of their pack, but he now realised a fox just might. He didn't want anything to fuck up and blow their cover. A fox that stank of Inferni would be suspicious--surely those damnable coyotes wouldn't let any potential canine competition run amok in their lands without good reason. "Why don't you stick around the rest of the Waste and Drifter Bay to the north?" he suggested. "We'll find each other when we need to." Abraxas nodded, then jumped down off of his perch.
!@#$%"Okey dokey, I'm gonna go look around then!"

!@#$%Turning his attention back to Gabriel, Anselm nodded. "Of course," he stated evenly. As the two largest members of the clan, it made sense that they helped with Talitha's training. Also, as far as he knew, they were the two that practised most regularly. "Speaking of which, how has she been?" he asked idly, not realising that he might just be digging into a far deeper rabbit hole than he could have originally imagined. "I haven't really seen her since she first showed up." Naturally, he had assumed that Gabriel was watching her--he'd caught her scent near the border, but he couldn't tell if she was coming or leaving, and there were no recent trails inside. It was strange enough to tickle his subconscious, but he hadn't put two and two together yet.

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