Carving Lessons

OOC here!

They had moved on to the next part. As soon as the mixture was declared ready the already stilled hybrid stopped even the soft twitching that had been running through his body. If they messed up Hadley didn't think that they would be able to fix the bowl this time. A rag was passed to him, and with all the care of someone working to save a life Hadley lifted it up, not minding the slight sear of heat that made it through, aiming for the bowl.

He nodded his head, and tilted it. Reaching the crack was fairly difficult. He watched the odd mixture that they'd made fill it up, clogging the crack. He stopped as soon as it began to spill past that, setting the hot stone down again. Taking a deep breath he grinned over at Claudius. He'd managed to do it without too much fuss. It'd be a short wait before they scraped it, and hopefully his clumsiness wouldn't cost them again.

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