
Word Count → 000

While her back was turned she gave a small smirk. Not out of cruelness at the boy's obvious frustration, but that she was able to so easily keep her temper when he could not. Io was rare to loose her temper these days, it seemed loosing her temper big time had become a catalyst and tone her down a touch. Which in itself wasn't to bad, but now she was beginning to regret the event that kick started her downward spiral. Without a guide she had no morals or guidance to follow. And even if Andrej had told her to stop winding the boy up (though it was unlikely he would, and even more unlikely that Io was pissing him off intentionally) she would not have listened to the cat. But he seemed to have slunk off somewhere other that here.

'I never said you did not' she pointed out, having taken the meat off of the fire and wrapped it up, proceeding to follow him to the stables. Not out of spite, but in truth she also had work to do. Chewing on some meat and the swallowing as she tip oat into Neo's tray, she continued, 'But hunting and cooking are different skills and besides I only offered because I don't think I can eat all of this myself' Io ended with a loose shrug.

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