seven years bad luck



She whimpered and turned towards him, but her eyes were closed. If she was awake or not, he could not tell. They were both a mess. She had been taking a physical beating. He was now experiencing a mental one. It was so out of order that he had no idea what actually was happening. He had also at some point learned to stand against the pressure of burning needs. He carried her as careful as he could and walked in a steady rhythm. He was glad she was not awake. He was at a loss of everything right now. He wanted to rip out her throat and claw her into a bloody pile of unrecognizable meat. He wanted to make her scream in pain and despair. He wanted to hurt her. Yet, he did not.

He entered the house that once had been Colibri's but now was his. He carefully laid Firefly down on the bed in the room that once had been designed for guests. Fitting. He then left her in simply a few seconds as the kitchen was in the same floor, but when he came back, it was with a glass of fresh rain water he had collected from a barrel he had standing outside, and a cold and wet piece of cloth. The glass was placed on a chair beside the bed, and he carefully sat down on the bed beside the wretched girl. What the fuck. He gritted his teeth, but managed to hold his throat free from any sound that wanted to get out.

He was no medic, but the injuries were not fatal, far from it. He knew how to somewhat clean wounds. The cloth softly touched the girl's cheek, but he did not get much further than that. His head was chaos, and his eyes burned for no apparent reason. Was he angry? Yes, very. Why? He did not understand it. The demon had ripped away his emotions, so Haku was supposed to be empty. And yes, he did feel empty, but there was a wailing creature down on the bottom of the endless pit. It did not make any sense. He was supposed to be immune.

Was she awake? He lifted his hand a bit and then let the cloth fall down on her face, and it landed with a soft 'splat'. In fact, he did not know if she was awake, but he gave it a try anyway. I guess you are conscious enough to clean yourself up after sleeping about, girl. Don’t really need my help, eh? His voice was colder than ice. He had not intended it to be. Yet, it was, it was the bloody bitch’s fault. He did not get why he had brought her to his house. He did not want to be near her. Yet, there he sat, eyes on her face, waiting for the girl to open her beautiful orbs so that he could tear them out.


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