You and me could write a bad romance.

OOC here! What all wounds are under the shirt and where? ;3

Toby did need to learn his place. He continued to smile as he held the female close to him. He liked the way she thought. His arms traveled up her back, meaning to relax her into him by rubbing her up and down but crossing the wounds he froze his hands. He could feel the unsmooth quality of her skin under the shirt. The fact that she probably would have been cast into a shallow amount of pain didn't help her in hiding that something was there.

A sudden growl shook in his chest, her able to feel it against him, "Who did this to you?" It was almost an angry shout. A command that he be informed on what had happened. He didn't care about a scratch or scar on her body... but a possessive trait about him was showing. He pulled away and stepped back to look at her a bit more. He'd noticed something was wrong earlier so now he needed to know it all. A hint of a growl still vibrated his voice as he ran narrowed eyes down her body. "They'll regret that."

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Fang/Toby table by Bria.

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