[M] A Dark Night
Alex listened to the words of the dark angel infringe of him and there was a sense of danger there. Her voice was like silk and acid at the same time. He was ready to move away from her and then he was thrown off by her actions as she licked his ears lightly and then went to sit down by her giant of a mate. Shadow...what was his deal and why did the female switch so fast from one may of thinking to another in the span of moments. He smiled lightly and then carefully he spoke keeping his voice sweet and calm. I'm sorry if I said something to anger you, I was only curious as to your relationship. You both seem so happy and I was mearly wanting to know the secret to such a happiness. Please forgive me my lady and to you as well Sir. Things were going south quickly, he would be kind and the girl would fall for it and then she would Chang and become almost a different person. What was up with this couple? Alex looked to Shadow and nodded before starting to speak. Thank you for the food. You both are too kind to help a stranger such as myself. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you please let me know. It's the least I can do.

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