Comes all the way back around
Sorry about the short, not feeling good today. ._.

By the time he had managed to get the fire going again, Nikita had emerged from the surrounding darkness ready and on alert, just as he had expected. He assumed her question was directed at him, because the only thing Ember had spoken up about thereafter was not feeling very well and he could only imagine why that was. “I found her in a heap just a bit outside of the borders,” was the simple explanation, though he wasn't finished. “She says her name is Ember and that she's from some place called Dahlia de Mai and that she was attacked there.” He left out the part about it being her sibling that had apparently instigated most of the injures; it wasn't his place or anyone else's place to get involved in that. Looking down to meet Ember's gaze, he pressed out without much of a pause for questions. “You wouldn't happen to have anything lying around that we could make some sort of splint out of, do you? I think I've managed to get her arm to stop bleeding as bad but it still needs patching up.”

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