Is this where I belong
[html] rambled lol sorry. after your next reply, I will have you titled and you'll be good to go!

Crimson dreams has always been the place he described. Even during the war, they had come together and been believers of peace. It would always be such a pack, as long as Anu and Savina were its leaders. Savina could be a powerful leader, but she was always just and worked to bring balance to the pack. His mother was confident in her position, and though softer in tone just as diligent about keeping the lands a place of refuge for those in search of it.

As they walked Oak could tell that she was listening, a glance over to her face showed that she was intent on his words. And the male gave just as much attention as she spoke to explain her origin. It was not the most important of tests for the greeter, for it was not always where one came from but the direction they wished to travel down in the future that he was to focus on. Yet, he was curious to know… and when they met his mother she would want to know he asked all the important questions.

The familiar terms made his ears perk and he listened with an even greater intent. Oak listened with patience, and when she paused he did not rush to interrupt her train of thought and instead allowed her to tell her story. It was a sad one, and he realized the greatness of the displacement that she must feel. She had come all the way over the ocean, he knew only a few wolves and mutts that had done so. Oak had never even left the home he had been born in for more then a night or two. She gave an audible sigh, telling him that she had told all that she could. Oak, who had never truly had a father, felt a stinging pain for the wolfess. I am sorry about your father. He extended.

You will find it very different here, with out a doubt. he only smiled softly, with a bit of hope he might comfort some of her tattered past. We are just a small pack, and most of us live in Haven Manor together. You are welcome to stay there as well. I will call for my mother Anu, and she will greet you formally. I am sorry to say I don’t have the rank high enough to give you one of your own. He paused in his speech and step to raise his nose to the sky and let out a low baritone howl that picked up in tone at the end; a grown pup’s call for his dam.

We are close to the orchard, it is where she spends most of her time. The red tinted wolf explained. It was not long before the figure of a slight wolfess stood among the trees beyond their trail. She was a thin creature, elegant and delicate at first glance and posed with a straight back and clasped paws held against her stomach. She walked slowly, but had gotten to them in only a short time. His mother had always been a bit of a mystery to him.

She came to him, and he greeted her with a dip of the head to press his nose against her crown. Anu had started such a ritual when they had been pups, and when she had been the one larger then he and his brother’s Alder and Cypress. As a reminder that she was there to protect them. But now they towered over her, and he was the one to remind her that he was there to protect her. It only lasted a second, but without it Oak did not feel right.

Mother, this is Cassia. He explained as he extended a hand towards the cinnamon female and smiled. She has traveled far, and is a trained to defend and to hunt. She will make a good Venator or Centurio. He looked back at the eldest Dreamer who gave a nod to them both. I trust my son has explained the ways of our pack, and you agree to them? The mother looked at the earth and fire hued female, but not with a judgmental eye that one would expect, but with a soft gaze. As if she knew by just looking at her that she was a honest creature. The question was just a formality.


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