[M] A Dark Night
Alex looked to the two and actually wanted to growl when he saw how completely he was ignored. He watched as that stunning female moved herself onto the dark giant and he watched as they started to take one another right there in front of him. How could this have happened? He was gorgeous and he had the looks and the voice to have any woman, hell any man if he so wished it, and yet here he was watching to lovers going at it and the big brute had the gal to growl at him and basically send him on his way. He was willing to still get closer and try to see if maybe the female would want more attention than just one man could offer but the bigger male had clearly spoken his mind. Alex would not be able to get closer to the female without getting closer to the male as well. Alex watched as the two wrapped each other in a warm embrace and then he slowly bowed and nodded lightly as he turned away from them and took his leave. Once his face was no longer seen by them he let his shift to show the hate he had for the situation and he had to tell himself that at least he had gotten the food and he wouldn't have to starve now. He kept walking until he reached the near by tree line and he looked back once more hearing the growls and moans start up. Damn it, she should have been his...not that brutes...Damn him, Damn Shadow.

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