Let me Introduce myself, Mature
The intensity before the launch had her adrenaline beginning and for a moment she thought he would throw a nip her way, but maybe she read his stare wrong. Her focus swiftly went back to the race, her muscles flexed ready to launch herself forward. His vocals rumbled with a growl before the bark of 'go' and the moment that hard 'g' came out of his muzzle, her toes curled pushing against the earth, nails digging into the softened ground and her paws lifted off. Legs stretched out, her lithe frame propelling through the terrain like a bullet. Built to fly. She raced out running as hard as her legs could take her, but not quite pushing herself. She wanted to test him, see just how fast he could go. She would try and get right up next to him and trail like that until she knew just how well he could run. Adonia paced herself while enjoying the wind through her pelt. Her energy coming out boundlessly and it felt like she could run for days. Maybe she could...but she only wanted to win this race. Show her pack mate she was a runner. The husky in her only contributing to her natural wolf endurance. Her paws built to run, her body built for stamina.

She maintained her stride near Tharin, her eyes watching him and how his stride was. It seemed steady, but she was sure his larger size would be the downfall. Still she wouldn't judge his abilities based on his size, he might surprise her a trick or two. Who was she to say he couldn't out run her? There hadn't been one she had raced and lost to, yet. He might be the one..she doubted it though.

Her legs pushed off the earth a little harder and she managed to pull herself into the lead a little giving him a little challenge to see if he could push himself a little more. What did he have?

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