my many flaws
Alex had just finished the song when he saw a looker of a female come from the trees and already she was smiling at him. It seems his siren voice had done it again. He was surprised to find anyone out here and even thought he was caught off guard it did not show. He smiled back to her much the same way and his tail moved in time with his steps and his hips as he walked closer to her. He heard her was sweet and there was something hidden there, he was about to think what that sound was when he smelt it instead...She was in heat. Alex kept his attitude smooth and cool and his charisma was as high as ever as he showed such confidence in the way he moved and held himself. He stopped once he was closer, so close in fact that he could take her hand if he so wished and he did.

That scent of hers worked magic on males but Alex was use to such a scent for it was the perfect time to act if he wanted a certain female. He took her hand gently as he smiled and very gently he kissed it and then he held it for a few tantalizing second longer than he needed as he looked deeply into her eyes. Thank voice was a gift...but you..Other than a voice you also have beauty...If i didn't know any better I might have thought I died a few miles back and only now am I being visited by an Angel. He let her hand go gently and then he heard her name and he smiled a little more as he bowed his head lightly and then he stood straight again. Omni, thats a simple name and it's beautiful as well. It's a meet you Omni, I am Alexander.

His tail moved lightly behind him and he brought his hands together behind his back as his eyes looked her over from head to feet and he didn't bother hiding this fact knowing that this woman would not mind such a gaze. It would seem like this day would be it's own little adventure. Alex was excited and couldn't wait to see what would happen.

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