Shadows watching Shadows
Shadow smiled as his brother came at him and then the faint and a move he hadn't been ready for. He saw his brother jump over head and he could have turned but he stood there and felt the palm to his back and mere moments after he felt the foot in front of him and he was moving forward. Shadow used this momentum as he moved forward and he reached out his arms and did a cart wheel sending the back of his foot to the chin of his brother and after he got to his feet he turned and put his arms up as a large smile was on his face. This was awesome. Not only had they been a match for one another but no one side could get the upper hand. Shadow nodded lightly and stood up straight as he lowered his guard and he walked towards Thanatos and opened his arms wide as he spoke loud and proud. From this moment on your my sword brother...more than a pack brother and more than blood. I would fight and die for you brother and I would be honored to have you at my back as well He hugged his brother and patted him on the back before he pulled away and then he put out his hand as he waited to shake this mans hand, his brothers hand.

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