Fresh Start-or Not
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Sometimes the light that guides us along our paths, is not something that we can see, but something deep inside of us.

For some reason, those around Hotaru often felt awkward and treated her strangely; especially after they found out she was blind. Her disability seemed to inspire pity and sadness in others; even young Dalgina was no exception. Her simple exclamation betrayed the younger females sadness and surprise. Hotaru had unfortunately gotten used to such reactions. Even so, the small voice struck a chord deep inside the blind wolf's mind. How was she supposed to take pride in herself and believe in herself when everyone else around her looked at her with pity?

For the sake of her company, Hotaru decided to simply grin and bear it. The motion came easily to the grey wolf; her well polished mask hid her true feelings. Thankfully, Dalgina didn't dwell on Hotaru's disability and soon the tense atmosphere lightened as the subject of birds was broached. Fawkes clicked his tongue, it was clear he disliked the idea of a new bird. The red-tailed hawk enjoyed being the center of attention and could easily become jealous. Hotaru knew that if she ever picked up another bird he would be furious. However, another bird might help alleviate some of his responsibilities and allow Fawkes some time to relax and enjoy himself. As they were now, Fawkes had little time to just be a bird.

Unlike Fawkes, Dalgina was ecstatic about the opportunity to have a bird of her own. She bombarded the older wolf with questions and statements at lighting speed. Hotaru giggled slightly as she patted Dalgina on the back. The older wolf remembered fondly her first introduction to Fawkes. He had been a small chick, barely a day old. At that time, Fawkes had been the dependent one, which made their current situation almost ironic. "The gender of the bird will be your choice as will its name. Think carefully over the next few days as to what your friends name shall be. Now, lets get you back home, shall we?"

Wordcount :: +327

template by revo. <3 - Table and code modifications by Alex


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