Let me Introduce myself, Mature
Her eyes watched him as he came toward her, she leaped forward and almost went into a play bow, then stood quickly as he came within reaching distance. Adonia's eyes full of playful nature as his seemed to reflect something different. She couldn't figure out what exactly, but they said a different story than she felt. His body bumped into her and she took it as a friendly gesture nothing more, but her body did ping with hormones just a little. She brushed them off, until he licked her ear softly. They folded back and she wasn't sure what was going on now. Something said this was more than a friendly gesture, but she remained silent as her spine felt a tingle and she took in a controlled breath trying not to give way to the whimper that wanted so badly to come out. She noticed his tail raising making her head lower a little to show recognition of his hierarchy toward hers.

He had said he recently joined, but she wasn't sure just how recent or if he was a subordinate like herself. Still, she wouldn't challenge him and she remained still, stiffening a little as she felt the air around her become more intense. His licks turned into possessive scruff bites upon her, and her tail, that had become still for a moment wagged and she let out a soft submissive whimper. What was she suppose to do? Remind him she was taken? How far was this going to go? Adonia was unsure, her hormones screamed with enjoyment for the attention but her mind said, Ookami! Ookami! Her heart pounded and her body wanted to do things that her mind said not to do. She wanted to lean into him, nip at his chin and lick at his muzzle. Her mind said to move away, to lift a lip and snap to remind him she was taken.

She was at conflict with herself. Her mate had been absent for a month, does that automatically make her free? She whimpered in slight protest her tail wagging with a little more vigor as she danced away from him playfully, her eyes glancing at his as a whined high pitch bark came from her. Her part dog heritage allowing such a vocal noise from her. She wouldn't say a word to him as she nipped at his scruff at the same time pulling away to create distance. She did want him, but in truth, was it really him she wanted, or was it her hormones playing tricks on her? If he was another wolf pulling the same motions, would she be doing the same thing? Adonia didn't know, but she did like the attention. Her eyes playfully shimmering at him. Her body did as her mind willed, but that didn't stop her body from giving off a inviting signal.

She was tormented by his presence, and tormented by her hormones. Why had she let this happen? Why didn't she leave when he came near?

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