You and me could write a bad romance.
OOC – I hope this is okay...
She shuddered as they urgently kissed and pressed together to fight against their boundaires. He didn't want to hurt her and yet most certainly had enough desire to fill her needs. Amy needed to rest though; she seemed terribly hurt and in need of a good healing. Slowly he pulled away but not without great hesitation. "Perhaps you should return to that pack of yours?"

He pulled back a bit to appear fully ready to have her walk away from him though in his mind he screamed for her body and self to never part from him. As he looked down at her he gave a charming smile, darkened in his own way with those black eyes, and said "I hope to return to you when you are well. I might even stay in the area." He jerked his chin about in a gesture to recognize this as "the area" he would hang around until she was better. They could meet at the same place when they met once more.

An idea crossing his mind, dorky or not, came over him and he moved to stand by the tree he'd recently pressed Amy against. He pulled the knife back out from his side bag as he smirked at her. A brief glance down at his chest he moved his hand quickly. Digging into the trunk of the tree he began to carve the same symbol she'd marked him with. "I'll see you here," he stepped back to admire his work while placing the knife away. Then his gaze went to fall on Amy as he moved back closer to her. "When you're better, I'll be waiting." Still smirking he pressed his lips to her's in a final goodbye.

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