Part ways with your hole


ems is by nat.


Mis-matched eyes peeked out from behind thick, dark lashes, slowly looking out the side of a tree. The fawn munched happily on greens that were poking up from the ground as she slowly crept forward, pausing every few moments to make sure she didn't mis-place a foot and crack a fallen branch. For once she wasn't in her optime form and she felt more feral, more real in her secui form. While she did use her lupus form to hunt it wasn't very often, preferring her large form so she could take down larger prey. Even in her secui form she was about the size of a male wolf, so you couldn't really tell she was in secui.

The scent of the fawn filled her nose and she started salivating, licking her chops as she prepared to take down her meal. Steadying herself, she growled softly to herself before leaping from behind the trees, scaring the wits out of the doe who paid no mind to her offspring and leaped away, assuming her kin would follow. The little deer started to run, but it got no more then a few steps before wicked claws of it's agressor dug into it's backside and to the ground, it making a terrible sound as the claws left long red ribbons flowing down it's body.

The scent of blood hung in the air and the female got a crazed look about her, leaping to the front of the fawn and grasping it's throat before biting down, feeling the blood squirt into her mouth. The hot liquid bubbled forth from the wound and into her mouth and greedily she drunk it, tail wagging wickedly behind her. After the last little bit of life faded from her meal she moved down to the stomach, ripping through the skin and gorging herself on the sweet, tender meat within.

So concerned was she with her meal that she hadn't noticed another male was in the area, his scent hanging heavily in the air. If she had paid attention and looked over she would have seen him struggling to get his own prey, and she probably would have laughed in good spirits and offered assistance, but she did not. The youth was feasting and enjoyed it.

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