Part ways with your hole
Word Count :: 371 OOC: He can't help it! XD. He thinks she's perdyful :3

Jiva was pulling hard, when the life of the groundhog finally slipped enough that Jiva was able to pull it from it’s hole. He stumbled back at the sudden release but he kept the thing in his mouth. Grabbing the body with his front paws he took hold of the groundhogs neck and bit down hard, stopping its airway and knowing it was his. The glee he felt right now was everything to him. After two months he finally caught something. That was when his eyes moved to see another sharing the area. His eyes stopped directly on her and his jaws went slack. It was lucky that the groundhog was already dead for it would have been able to make a mad dash away from him if it wasn’t. He nearly forgot his food when he started towards the woman, but he went back for it thinking he could offer it to her, that was until he noted she was feasting on something by far better than the groundhog he had procured. Letting the dead animal go he cleared his throat.

“Hello miss, I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, I just uh....”

He became lost for words. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to say to her, and the thoughts that ran through the young man’s head, weren’t something he would say out loud to anyone. At least he’d vowed such things. Swallowing he smiled trying to save himself.

“I just happen to see that you caught yourself a fresh meal as I did, and I was wondering if you would like to eat with me?”

He smiled as charmingly as he could, he didn’t want to take her meal in no way shape or form but he had not been around many females and many of them were his pack sisters that he knew he couldn’t be with because of one reason or another and as a young man he was starting to get in touch with a part of him he never thought about, though the beauty of the woman before him helped with his own approach. He had no intentions other than getting to know her for now.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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