Where did I go wrong?
She took his hand into her own, scrubbing at the dried blood with the cloth. She continued to clean them, even as he revealed what had happened. So Naniko had slept with Lucifer and Kansas? At the same time. That was interesting. The anger she felt at lucifer flared up. He couldn't settle for cheating on his mate, he had to make other mates cheat too. For a moment, she sympathised with her former step son.

And then his first words sank in, and made her blood run cold. You hit Naniko? I understand you were angry, but Conri, that was a horrible thing to do. Is she okay? She continued to scrub at the blood on his hand. Should have been lucifer he hit, she thought sourly. I bet Lucifer had everything to do with it, and naniko was an innocent bystander.

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