Wrong Side of the Bed

Word Count → 303

May 3rd

Song birds called out as a rooster in the distance cried to the morning sun. Hotaru slowly opened her eyes and took in the darkness of her world. Cool air spilled through her open bedroom window as a slight breeze rustled her fur. The grey wolf sat up in her bed and gave a hearty yawn as her arms flew up to stretch out her tired body. Slowly she climbed out of bed and shook her body to removed sleeps last grips from her mind. Small cheeps sounded as Dalgina's chick called out to the grey wolf. Hotaru moved easily through the familiar room towards the far wall where her staff rested. Her dexterous paws reached out and wrapped around the wooden handle. Floor boards creaked as she moved down the hallway and into the front room.

Before exiting the house, Hotaru grabbed her shoulder bag that was filled with her carving supplies. She could feel how worn it was. The bag had been by her side through the past year, and it was starting to show its age. The blind wolf was glad that she had received a new leather satchel from Ithiel, but she was still attached to her old one. With quick fluid motions, the grey female was out the front door and stationed herself on the large boulder that rested on her front yard. Beside the boulder sat the wooden bench that Hotaru had made a few months back, although she had personally never used it.

Hotaru settled down into her usual carving position and took out a failed puzzle sphere. She didn't have anything special in mind, just some practice. With patient hands, the woodcarver ran her knife over the wood and the smell of ash filled the air. Hotaru filled her lungs with the scent and smiled.

Quote by: Maurice Freehill

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