Part ways with your hole
Word Count :: 343 OOC: he's feeling dumb with all this new lingo hehe

He could tell that his words seemed to have come out wrong. He meant for her to know that some wolves could be taught something for their whole lives like him, and still be open minded, but it seemed to come out entirely wrong and now he really hoped she would never meet his father. He could see her hesitance so was extremely glad when he changed the subject around all together. He knew that one way to make someone feel better is to get their minds off of the subject entirely and he seemed to have done it and got rewarded brutally for it. He didn’t know but his butt was nearly wiggling with the happiness he had caused her by asking that simplest question. He made a mock look of panic and held one of his paws towards himself, though he let it return to it’s spot as she spoke on. He listened raptly thinking, so gauze ore leaves. He knew some leaves were good for wounds though they all looked the same to him but he did not interrupt at all. She spoke and so well, but some of the words that came from her mouth made Jiva tilt his head confused, he had no idea what the stuff she was talking about much less how to make a poultice.... there was far more to this medicine stuff than he thought!

“Um.... I must not be as educated as I thought I was.”

He said sheepishly, or he didn’t know healer lingo.

“Perhaps you could show me some of this stuff, if you can, I mean after we eat?”

He said. It was a good excuse to continue to get to know her, and though he didn’t know anything about healing, the thought of it was pleasant. He was a hunter, but why not help heal as well? Why couldn’t he do both? He gave her a grin, confident he could figure it all out if he got the chance to.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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