Where did I go wrong?
Her reaction was almost expected but, in a small way, it surprised him. He knew about Lucifer and Dierdre, what had happened there, and that Deuce had taken Lucifer as her mate anyways. Had everything not been swimming in his head those few moments, he might have even brought it up. Instead, he pulled his arm in to clutching his stomach, leaning over as if he might be sick right then and there. His face his the ground, away from the hands that tried to clean it, and he sobbed into the dirt, shaking his head now and then.

"It wasn't me! It wasn't me!" But no matter how much he tried to say it or tell himself, it had all been him, whether or not he could remember it. "I don't remember it.." His voice was a mixture of sobs and whines, pathetic and quiet each and every time he spoke. It was the truth though. He didn't remember it. Didn't realize it until it was already over. The scene that he had found himself in had been enough for him to realize what had happened. He braced his hand against the ground then, lifting his upper half until the point that his head was up and he was staring up at Deuce, kneeling in front of her. "Please kill me..kill me. I don't want to hurt anyone else.." It was a desperate cry.


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