Softly as she goes

OOC text here

Word Count :: +333

It had been a quiet few days while Jace was gone on her exploratory journey to what was once what they had called home. During her time gone Temo had stayed home and worked on a few things that needed some fixing. As the time passed, there were thoughts and memories of some of the happenings that had occurred while they were there. Some were sad memories, but most of them were happy memories and he was glad of that. He knew the reasons why they left and could not argue the logic behind them but it also saddened him that they had to. He hoped that the friends that they left were still doing ok in their en devours.

Whenever Jace goes off on one of her forays, Temo is always concerned for her. He knew that she could take care of herself, however there had been times that she could not and there was always a small part of him that felt bad for him not being there in her times of need. And whenever she was off somewhere, he always worried that this would be another one of those times and that she might not survive.

Temo was in the bed, alone because Jace was gone on her journey. He was laying there quiet not being able to easily fall asleep as the worry that he had for her wove it's dance behind his eyes. It was in that quiet of the night that his ears rotated and picked up the subtle sounds of someone entering their house and padded their way to the bedroom. He could tell that it was his mate and mother to his children that had finally come back to him, their children and her home. And it was with a quiet sigh if relief that he waited for her to join him and when she did, his arm wrapped around her and drew her close to him and whispered into her ear Welcome home my love.

Template by Alex, Image courtesy of drdavis586@flickr

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