Wide Open Spaces

OOC here!

Sidra reacted quickly to the animals' reactions. Soloman reacted with equal ferociousness. He stepped to her side and reared viciously, kicking his front hooves out in attempt to protect his girl. A snake also slivered closer to her, hissing angrily. The malicious reactions caused Sidra to grab her dagger from the pack that slung over Soloman, he snorted with discontent back at the stranger. He walked a couple steps ahead of Sidra when she rose to full height and unsheathed the dagger, lowering her hand to hold the dagger at her hip. She was ready to fight. Offensive stance, lips curled over her jaw in a snarl. Ears positioned forward with overwhelming intensity. The two beasts didn't dare come closer to her, they'd only be met with bloodshed. The dark stranger uttered words for them to calm themselves. "They better. Or they'll end up injured. I warn you."

A couple tense moments passed. Both wolves staring at one another ready to protect themselves. Companion animals ready to fight along side them. Then the stranger's voice broke the silence, calm and collected. Sidra stared at her with a narrowed gaze. Observing her posture and body language closely. Listening for any hint of a lie, she wasn't a ditz. A slight smile creased Sidra's lips as the stranger spoke. Her voice said she was calm, but her eyes told a different story. She was pissed at this situation she'd stumbled into. Sidra looked to the pile of fish that sat next to her, believable. An apology followed. But, Sidra wasn't going to let down her guard on a stranger's apology. It seemed she was telling the truth, but she wasn't one to trust easily. Sidra took a few steps towards the dark female, Soloman nosed her back as if to tell her to be carefull. She reached a hand back to stroke his cheek, calming and reassuring him that everything was fine.

"Okay." Was Sidra's only response for the moment. Her eyes fluttered over the three creatures that stand before her. "The name is Sidra Pheonix. I would say it's a pleasure, but I'm afraid that's not the case." Sidra looked the woman straight in the eyes. Her features softened up a little, harshness disappearing under a false expression. She couldn't trust the stranger just yet, but she could give her a chance to prove she wasn't dangerous. Sidra moved closer and crouched once more, lowering the dagger to the ground, still looking the female in the eyes. Testing her. She kept her stance ready to attack if the animals or the woman threatened to come near her."What is that you're doing in this land? You appear to be a traveler like me. So, what brings you here?" A question that some may be hesitant to answer, but she was a bold personality.

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