[M] Let me take your hand..
He huffed at himself, ears suddenly picking up faint yelling, but he didn't want to bother finding out who it was. This one time in his life, Aro was not in a happy mood, or feeling too social, not after a failure. He had gathered up twigs and brush that would make for great kindling. He made a small pile of good sized logs for once he got the fire going, a cabin style fashion of broken down branches made around his kindling. He was about to spark it with his flint and his dagger's steel blade when his skilled hearing picked up the approach of another. He pretended to not notice, but slowly as he heard her within a yard of him, he brought his hand to his sword. Her scent the biggest giveaway. She must have been so upset she didn't think of air current in her approach. The dagger placed onto the rock formation around his fireplace. She growled and he whirled around drawing his sword in one swift motion. His eyes landing upon her, sword pointed right toward her chest, a cocky grin on his muzzle. He heard her speak catching her words with ease. "..calm yourself, doll. If I'd known there was another wolf in the valley I wouldn't have been so rude...but, maybe I could share some berries with you? I might go out for another hunting venture..this time I'll use a better technique."

He lowered his weapon, there was no need to hurt her..after all, he would dishonor his family name for hurting a woman. Aro was confident in his ability to disarm her and her dagger. After all, he learned to disarm his father, and he was no easy opponent. Not to say she wouldn't be hard to disarm...he just had more upper body strength than her. That was easy to assess. "..I might be lucky and get a deer...I'll gladly share it with you..miss...?" It was just then he realized he hadn't introduced himself. He grinned and sheathed his sword, "I'm Aro...Aro Marino.." He bowed, eyes kept on her ready to dodge and disarm if she chose to attack. Straightening himself, "..I'm from Casa di Cavalieri...son of Jazper Rhiannon-Knight...first born son.." He winked playfully. "...now..can you relax your weapon. I'm not going to hurt you..and trust me..you couldn't hurt me..I'm too nice....I'm not a jerk..like you said I am.." He playfully met her eyes a kind gentle and playful smile tugging at his muzzle.

He tried, for once, not to look over her form and assess her physical beauty. Already, her attitude was quite cute, and he was almost tempted to show her just how easily she could be disarmed.

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