Cat up a tree
sorry for fail

He shook with the force of the relief he felt, and a large huff of breath hissed through his teeth. He remained bound to the tree by the left hand that held on so tightly, claws digging deep into the wood. Hawk eyes watched intently in case she should slip and begin to fall again. The gentle swaying of the tree was truly beginning to make him feel sick now, the back and forth motion stirring up his stomach and churning the contents uneasily. Despite this he was able to answer her,

"Of course I did." Even his voice was deeper now, coming from a larger chest. He was skinny and tall, training would probably fill him out, make him larger, he would grow some more he presumed, he wasn't fully grown yet and his paws and head were still slightly too large for the rest of him. He swallowed again heavily and struggled not to look down, this was a little too daring for his first adventure into Optime form and surprisingly he had a strange longing for his four legged form so he was closer to the ground again. His voice wavered ever so slightly as he reached up to her,

"C..come on now. Time to get down." Another order, he wanted to get out of this tree pronto.

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