[M] A book's the way to go

WC:: 700 Yay this will be like half hour or so after she just got accepted.

Everything was happening so fast and the siamese coated femme was in a complete daze. The alpha, Zalen, had just welcomed her into the pack after she had made an overly submissive fool of herself, and Noah, she had learned his name when Zalen spoke it, had led her into the heart of “New Dawn.” Her new home. She couldn’t remember how long she had been following the silver male or what he had said to her when he left her to her own devices, but the young lady realized she hadn’t even uttered her name. Beside herself, the pretty girl grinned and suddenly was rolling on the ground marking the fauna beneath her with her own scent to join the pack and most likely sending up a riot of of sweet heat scent into the air. She giggled softly to herself and rolled back unto her four paws, not realizing twigs and leaves were stuck in her blonde mane. I did it...I found a home all by myself. The thought filled her head and the feeling of warmth and happiness for the first time in weeks spread throughout her body.

New Dawn... she mused. This was to be her new pack, her new place in the world. She thought of her family and sent a silent prayer to the heavens that they were doing okay, today was a good day...today she felt alive. But with that, Palaydrian became uncomfortably aware for the first time today that she was still in heat. She’d lost count of the days that had passed since it had started again. 3 or 4? When does it end This would be her second heat cycle and she was still very much so embarrassed and unsure of the feelings that coursed through her. One thing she did know, was that she didn’t trust her mind in this red-haze-state, but now that her guard was down, all those warm and fuzzy feelings were creeping back into her. The femme shook her head in attempt to clear her mind and continued walking in the direction Noah had indicated.

I wonder how many wolves live here? She thought to herself as her keen nose tasted all of the unfamiliar scents. Zalen’s musk was everywhere and it very much dominated the surroundings, but as she was nearing what she presumed was the den, a multitude of fresh perfume hit her blood stained snout. Drin knew she’d have to get used to this, but the sudden change almost made her cry. She immediately thought of her family she left behind and everything familiar which was now weeks away from where she was standing. You’re stronger than this! She chided herself and continued walking into the wall of smells. Clearing the forest she stumbled upon the impressive face of what she assumed was the pack den, but her one sea glass green eye and her opposite gold dominant orb locked onto the peculiar colors of yet another werewolf. She’d never seen the fur color of the young male sitting neath a tree by the den, other than the pelt of the fox family back in her old lands. Is he even a wolf? She asked herself as she slowly continued forward.

Drin noticed the odd object he held in his hands. These lands were certainly strange, but everything she saw reminded her of the stories her mother had told her about this place. Here a wolf could stand on two legs without the stigma of a forever four legged pack judging them. She itched to shift, but stayed in her lupine form, stopping a few feet away from her new fellow pack member. “Umm...hello,” she cleared her throat, “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting you, it’s just that I’m...well I’m new here and...” she trailed off and looked away, suddenly finding herself without words. Don’t clam up now!My name is Palaydrian Soul.” She abruptly introduced herself and lowered herself in submission. The heat began to climb into her limbs.

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