[M] A book's the way to go
Word Count :: 453 OOC: I am full of words today!!

Jiva’s heart was going wild. And it didn’t stop there as she moved even closer. He swallowed hard for there was a lump in his throat that felt it wouldn’t go away. He blinked as she looked him straight in the eyes and he noticed the odd coloration of her own. Much like his, they were different colors. Unlike his one had the same color as the other with a bit of a different mixed in. He thought it gave her character. He couldn’t help but give her a stupid smile.

“Oh well... you are very much new indeed! I would be glad to show you, I am not busy at all.”

He said, pushing the pile of medical books further away from him and more behind the tree. He figured he was best suited in his lupus form for such a job. Standing up he changed in front of her, not embarrassed by it at all, though his own father was private about it the boy had seen many do this in front of one another and he saw no problems at all, it took a little while before he was his normal lupine self and he shook himself before giving her his dumb smile again.

“You are not at all. I uh I wasn’t very good when I first came to a new place.”

He wanted her to feel welcome and he wanted her to like him. His thoughts were all on her, Emma was not even on his mind anymore it was as if she never existed, though when he came to his senses and if something happened between him and this now stranger he would probably regret it, just for the sake he liked someone else even though he had only just met her too. Life would get far more confusing when the irresistable young woman before him left the vacinity. For now only one thing was on his mind, and he was trying to keep it together as he was not alpha and he did not have permission for such a thing as it was. That was what kept him in line. The respect he had for his cousin and her mate.

“You... errr would you uh like to see the lands first? Or did you uh have anything in particular in mind?”

He asked. It was all up to her. He could tell that she would not need feeding, though he wanted to show her just how powerful a hunter he was. He wanted to show her he meant something to this pack, while in reality he was little more than a little help.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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