like a dose of lovedrug
OOC: Awkward virgin Fritz-y >.>

IC: Her eyes were smiling which was when Fritz knew that he had made his mate happy. He would enjoy saying that not only between the two of them but to the rest of the world as well. No one would hurt her and if they did, he would take revenge for her. She might not want it and in many ways he didn't either but he had found that he had a protective streak over her of what seemed a mile wide. But his thoughts of future revenge were driven away by Selene's kiss to his throat which made him hum happily.

Her words about a ritual and reassurance that she did indeed love him left Fritz slightly confused before he realized what she was talking about. She then went on to talk about how she didn't know how to do this and although he knew she wasn't a virgin and he wasn't going think badly of her he figured that she had never really started this process. Then again neither had he since he was surprisingly a virgin as well. So he would explain that to her, hopefully not very awkwardly. "Well, um, you'll be my first, Selene, love." So much for not being awkward. He didn’t exactly avoid her gaze but he was a little embarrassed.

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