[M] A book's the way to go

WC:: 464 XD

Twitter-pegged was the word. Palaydrian’s eyes hungrily drank in Jiva as the shock registered on his face over her newfound passion. He must like me too... she thought, and her blush only deepened while he stumbled through a ‘thank you’ and physically shook his body as if to rid himself of raindrops. She gave him a warm smile to match his goofy one now that she knew she wasn’t the only one feeling as if she was on cloud 9. His two toned eyes left her for a second in his own embarrassment, but it gave her the chance to bit her lip and burry a wide grin in her shoulder before he continued. Drin couldn’t believe the rush of emotions she was feeling for a complete stranger. Sure they were packmates, but she had just met the guy! But now was not the time for thinking logically, the female felt playful and flirty, and as far as she was concerned, Drin felt Jiva was in the same boat.

She was relieved when Jiva turned to lead the way. A breakup from the intense moment they had minutes ago would allow them both to collect their thoughts. Drin delayed at first, taking humorous pleasure in the way he stiffly moved, but the female soon caught up and found herself drifting closer and closer to him as they walked along. Ah, the age old question drifted between the two and instead of tensing up, Drin found herself spilling the beans. “It might sound silly, but I’m chasing a pup hood story,” she said with a laugh. “My grandmother grew up in place called Bleeding Souls, and I decided that I wanted to find those lands someday. I set off on my adventure a lot earlier than expected though...” she trailed off unsure of whether or not she was ready to share what had happened a few weeks ago and what ultimately pushed her out of her homelands. The sound of the river a little bit away tickled her ears.

Palaydrian slowed down her gait and stopped to look at Jiva in those captivating eyes again. She knew she wasn’t ready to tell him everything, the heat couldn’t completely rob her of her conscious. “Jiva...I’d really like to share my entire story with you someday....but right now, ” she paused and got a mysterious look on her face, “let’s go swimming!” she squealed and took a chance. Drin lifted off her hind legs and pressed her front paws into Jiva’s chest. She locked eyes with the mohawked wolf again and playfully licked his muzzle before taking off at sprint towards the sound of running water. Kids will be kids.

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