[M] A book's the way to go

WC:: 364

I don’t know about the bleeding part.” His comment was drowned out in her mind. What is he thinking, how does he feel? The thoughts whirled about in her head as the wind whipped through her hair and she put distance between herself and him. Palaydrian had done something she would not have imagined doing a few weeks ago. Where did this flirtatious bravery come from? Was it just heat that lit the flame under her paws and put the words on her tongue? The answers would come in time, but for now the most recent New Dawn member was enjoying the unknown and the company of a cute guy. She didn’t know his story, his past, or his relations...and frankly she didn’t care, Drin was alive in this moment and for all she knew, they were the only two who existed in this neck of the woods.

She hadn’t gotten too far away from him before she felt his approach from behind. A grin was plastered on her face as she continued to bound forward and his laugh bubbled into her heart. Jiva was fast! He was already neck and neck with her. Drin would’ve jostled into him for fun, but her toes already reached the damp sandy bank of the river and before she knew it, the red male had thrown himself into the water. She crashed in after him and rolled around in the current. Dull claws scraped off the rocky bottom of the stream as she tried to float without touching the ground. She giggled and dunked her head under to wash the dried grouse blood off her muzzle. She re-emerged with a fresh face to expose her seal point snout and began splashing water in Jiva’s direction with her front paws.

The dirt and grime of her travels was washing off in the current, and temporarily the heavy scent of heat. “Just so you know,” she shouted in between a splash and a grin, “I let you beat me to the water!” Drin hadn’t had this much fun in awhile.

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