[M] A book's the way to go
Word Count :: 310 OOC:

The second Jiva came up and saw her coughing and sputtering he felt bad and he wanted to help but he didn’t know what. It seemed she was able to clear herself of the unwanted water, and she was still in good spirits as well as she moved out of the water. He closed his eyes as she shook herself of the water that drenched her and he followed, slowly though as he knew that after a little while things would start to get complicated again.... so why was he with her then, if she was so alluring? Well she was new... and she was nice, and she seemed to want his company. That should have been good enough. At least for him. He turned his head from the oncoming water and grinned. A possible rematch was a good thing. He loved a challange. Hopping out of the water himself he gave an enthusiastic shake sending water everywhere, including her direction.

“Oh i’m sure i’ll get the rematch out of you. If not today soon.”

He said and trotted a head to lead her to an open area where they could rest in the sun. The hawk that had once been now went every which way, but he didn’t care. He would fix it later when he had the chance, right now he was taking in a new friendship that seemed to be budding more because of the heat she was in. He hoped that it wasn’t entirely because of it, for he did want to be the woman’s friend. She was atractive nice, and one of the few like Ciara who enjoyed play. And Jiva was all about play. He nipped at her cheek and trotted up, but not too fast so that she couldn’t catch up, but he was being a tease nonetheless.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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