Part ways with your hole


ems is by nat.

The pair tumbled to the ground and both of them exploded in laughter, genuinely enjoying eachothers presence. She lived in a clan of fire and brimstone, the mighty coyote clan who's skulls lined the borders in plain testament of their exploits, she had even added her own to the many. This made for a definent lack of fun, there was very little youthfulness within the pack. Most of the members where hardened warriors, bent on protecting, loving and fighting. If they loved, it as secerely, and subtly. As far as she knew, she was the only one who openly voiced her happiness, the rest being much more reserved about it.

However, all of that crumbled away with their light-hearted play, and as soon as they hit the ground she was scrambling to get back on her feet, her muscles sleek and hard under her coat. Jiva wouldn't have any of that though, and made a ploy to tackle her again from the front, siezing her arms. Momentarily she paused, looking deeply into his eyes. Smiling at the boy, she growled playfully and squirmed out of his grasp. Today she was proving to be quite slippery. The dame bounded away, her laughter echoing like bluebells through the clearing that they romped in.

Spinning on her heel she charged at him from a lower standpoint, bringing her body upwards to grasp her slender hands around his waist again, and as fur made contact with her body electricity sparked again, sending her heart fluttering,

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