Yummy in my Tummy! [p]

WC 3+

Palaydrian’s head was bent as if in prayer as her open maw descended towards the torn neck flesh of the groundhog. She readied her jaws to tear into the flesh once more when her ears flicked towards the low growl. Immediately, the hackles on the female rose and bristled out as she lowered her body over her kill like a lioness to her cub. Her secular heterochromia eyes anxiously scanned the surroundings. They lighted upon the red coat of a coyote upon their second pass. The wolf wasn’t surprised she hadn’t noticed the intruder’s scent as blood was now caked in her snout. A low rumble began in her throat, she had only heard bad things about the coyotes and mix breeds in these parts, but she wasn’t against non-wolves. The growl was simply a warning that the stranger had been spotted, and Drin would not give up her quarry without a fight.

Stranger, come out of the shadows that I may greet you,” she said, the growl leaving her voice gravelly but falling away. “There is plenty of meat on this fat hog, I might as well share.” It was an invitation if the stranger so wished to dine. Drin turned her attention back to the groundhog and set her paws on one half of the body. She bit down on the neck and gave the corpse’s upper body a few twists and tugs, before pulling it apart. Satisfied with her work, Drin left the severed body on the floor between herself and the stranger. “Heads or tails?” She asked, a friendly tone smoothing down her hackles and replacing her previous alert stance.

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