Part ways with your hole


ems is by nat.

Her movement was supposed to take him out at the waist, but as soon as her body connected to his it went from a struggle to stillness. Wondering why their play had stopped she looked up at him, her gaze questioning. Both bi-colored gazes connected and the world simply stopped for a moment. She barely felt him put his hands on her waist, it all felt surreal. The youth had never felt a connection like this, to anybody. He was the first. They stood there as moments slowly ticked by, simply looking at eachother. He was so handsome, every little detail was memorized in the coywolfs mind as she hung onto this precious time with Jiva.

She wasn't sure what to do next, or even if she should do anything, but she decided to take a risk. Slowly she leaned forward, pressing her body close to his. His face was right beside her and briefly she hesitated, but then followed through with her idea. A salmony tongue snaked out and licked his cheek, then returned to her maw as she nuzzled his fluffy neck fur. His scent was different, more natural, it spoke of many different trees and plants he had slept in and brushed against on his journey here, though the pack smell was strong on him as well.

" Jiva.. What is happening here.. " Came the words, soft and sweet whispered in his ear as she still stay pressed against his body.

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