Rousing the Succubus
Neat avatar. :] And... long time no see! Big Grin

!@#$%The nature of obsession was peculiar. It was strange how an intelligent creature could become so preoccupied with nothing at all. It was even stranger when the doomsday-sayers saw their worst nightmare become a realisation. For all the nuts that sang of the apocalpyse, how many were ever right? Yet when it came--all they could do was puff out their chests and say "I told you so."

!@#$%Everything in Inferni was all fucked up. The ambush that came on the first of the month, the leader's daughter missing... oh, and they had a hostage. Anselm refused to be defeated or hyped up by all of the nonsense, at least outwardly. And so, his daily patrols continued, as did his routines--almost as if nothing had ever gone wrong. That alone was weird.
!@#$%Things were about to get even weirder. The scent of blood triggered a response in his brain not unlike how a nuclear bomb going off triggered mass hysteria. What now? He began moving quickly towards the source, and it did not take long before he spotted her there. A black female coyote, covered in blood. FUCK. Had Haku done this? Rage ripped through him and he could feel his muscles tighten as his jaw clenched shut and his nails tore into the earth as he barrelled along forward. He halfway expected the stupid wolf to be lurking around somewhere, laughing--this had to be his next trick.

!@#$%"Who did this to you?" he demanded, eyes ablaze and hackles arched high. Anselm could look pretty intimidating when he was this riled up--but fortunately for the young female, he was entirely on her side. Funny how species alone could do that. Utterly prepared to tear the culprit apart limb by limb, he glanced around endlessly, searching for the tormentor.

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