Yummy in my Tummy! [p]

WC:: 295 Sorry for the delay! Finally saw the doc yesterday and it’s a lower respiratory infection...no bueno. Sad

Tails it is...” the golden femme said under her breath before taking the bottom portion of the groundhog corpse. She watched the coywolf with curiosity, averting her gaze now and then to enjoy their shared meal. Palaydrian noticed a few similarities the two shared. Ears dipped in paint and all her limbs except for one matched the hybrid, but other than that, the differences were what attracted Drin’s attention. She admired her dinner guest’s large ears. Her visage which made her so plainly coyote was something fascinating as it was on the body of a wolf. Drin had heard rumors of mixings, but had never seen a hybrid up close. She wondered if this female also carried the Luperci gift as so many she had met in the old Bleeding Souls lands had. Could the mutation be carried in all types of canines? She didn’t think an answer would come out of the stranger so easily.

The female’s suspicion hung thick in the air. Drin knew neither would be able to appreciate the fresh kill without anxiety looming over their heads, so she decided to break the ice. “Look, I mean you no harm. My name is Palaydrian,” she said hoping the silent one would chose to speak this time.

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